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How Past Life Therapy Changed My Life by Diana McManus

Reincarnation wasn’t part of my belief system (since I grew up going to a Lutheran Church) until I met a man who had studied yoga in India and he explained it to me.  I met him in Guatemala in the early 1970s (I had traveled to go to art school in Mexico and ended up going to Guatemala because of my interest in the indigenous people).  He had a girlfriend who grew up in foster homes and explained to her that she abandoned a child in her prior lifetime so she returned as an abandoned child in this life.  It made sense to me because the concept of heaven and hell never made sense.  I always felt that life should have meaning and if we only got one chance in life, it would have no meaning.  Life is a school and we are here to learn and our soul evolves as we learn through experiencing various lifetimes.  This is what gave my life meaning and why the concept of heaven and hell never made sense to me.
My first Déjà Vu experience was when I visited Buffalo Bill Cody’s museum in Breckenridge Colorado a few years earlier. I was on my way to California with a friend who had the nickname of Cody and we saw the museum as we drove through the area. I saw many photos of the men who worked with Buffalo Bill during the time they built the railroad and I felt like I was one of them. I could identify with the men I saw in the photo and felt like I was there with them.  I felt excited and like my whole view of life had opened up to another reality.   I didn’t realize that visiting the museum would open me up to a past life memory that I experienced with hypnosis as a drunken cowboy that shot buffalo with him.  This was the only Déjà vu experience that left the greatest impression with me besides feeling that I had been there before. I felt like I had lived that life of that cowboy in the photo before I had experienced it in a past life regression. This is how many people like me recognize that they have had past lifetimes.
Past life therapy is a form of hypnosis in which the subject is able to access past life memories through guided imagery with the help of the hypnotist.  The experience is much like being in a waking dream state with the feelings from the dream being there as a real experience.  The subject is able to converse with the hypnotist about what they are seeing and feeling during the session, but they also remember it afterwards and can talk about it then.  The hypnotist helps the subject dissect the experiences and relate them to what is going on in the present life.
Past life therapy changed my life.  I discovered I was a soldier that fought in Napoleon Bonaparte’s army right after the French Revolution and I died at the battle of Waterloo.  I also discovered I was rather barbaric and had a lot of guilt for killing people in that life time.  I found out that my depression was caused by guilt that I felt for not being able to protect my daughter (in this life) when she died.  I realized this during a past life therapy session as I expressed my feelings to the psychologist who guided me through them.  I released the guilt in a hypnotic session using light to dissolve it and self-forgiveness. I imagined I had a tool of light like a lightning bolt or laser beam and used this tool of light to dissolve the guilt and pain.  This experience is one of relief and is hard to describe since it only happens in a dreamlike state of mind.  This information comes to us through dreams and or intuitive feelings.  This is done with guided imagery and relaxation techniques by relaxing the whole body first suggesting that the muscles relax and then relaxing the mind by imagining going down an escalator in a department store.  Once the subject is very relaxed, more suggestions are made to connect the subject to past life memories by using symbols of boxes and going into boxes and looking for them.  This can also be suggested like going into rooms in a hallway, etc.  The subject responds to the suggestions with answers about what they see in their mind and the hypnotist suggests placing them in a body at a certain time and place connecting them to symbols in the past lifetime.
Once I released the guilt, my life started to change for the better.  I became aware of what choices I was making in life and I could change them by being more aware of people I associate with.  When I was in my early twenties, I would befriend any man who gave me attention not realizing the results that could happen with a relationship with that man.  I realized that I didn’t want to get involved with a man again who is an alcoholic and I am more aware of those behaviors.  I didn’t think much about the consequences of a relationship with an alcoholic and now I do.
Everyone we know has a certain vibration and we can feel their vibration in the present and when we experience past life times.  One experiences the memories of past life times through hypnosis and guided imagery.  This is done with a hypnotist or a professional that has been trained in hypnosis and regression therapy.  The connection is experienced through an intuitive feeling and not through a name.  Intuition is like having an extra voice inside the brain answer questions for you.  I describe this extra voice as a feeling.  This is how we recognize our soul mates in new bodies and in our present life.
I became very happy with myself and my achievements in life.  I have become a positive thinker so it comes naturally now and I don’t have any negative thoughts that cloud my mind.  My achievement is becoming a certified hypnotist and being able to do past life regressions with people.  I also became aware that I had a purpose in life and was here for a reason.  It helped me to look at life as one continuous flow of energy rather than being limited.  This means life is no longer limited to one life and coming from a source that is unknown to us.  It made me also realize that no one is a victim and the universe has a natural cause and effect which is very real.  Through the awareness of past life memories, we can experience karma or the universal law of cause and effect.  Our souls choose each experience we have here on earth so no one is a victim.  We choose these experiences to teach our soul a lesson.  Past life Therapy helped me to get over the grief of losing my daughter so I could move on with my life.  It also inspired me to become a certified hypnotist so I could help people grow spiritually and heal emotionally by learning about their past lifetimes.  I took a class from my psychologist who helped me to get certified by the American Board of Hypnotherapy.  I know it has helped me to create positive changes in other people’s lives like I experienced in my own.  I’ve heard from several clients how past life therapy has changed their life for the better.  It is a wonderful feeling to be able to help people live happier and more fulfilling lives by helping them find inner peace through this therapy.
Before experiencing past life therapy, I had feelings of doom and gloom.  I felt doom and gloom because I was very unhappy with my life and didn’t think I had the ability to change it.  I had a constant negative pattern of thinking and was critical of everyone around me including myself.  Past life therapy helped me to create a positive pattern of thinking and to look at life more objectively.  It helped me to realize that life is one continuous stream of consciousness that continues to evolve to a better understanding of ourselves.  This is how we learn from life’s lessons and not be bitter about them.  By understanding our lessons in life, we understand ourselves.  My experiences with past life therapy has made me more secure with myself and more fulfilled with my life.  I no longer feel that death is part of the unknown, but it is a return to spirit instead which is from where we came from.  I’m not afraid of death anymore for I understand it and feel that we return to spirit from which we came.  It also helps me to feel safe in this world and I have a better understanding of human nature.
Before I did past life therapy, I went to a past life reader.  The reading revealed that my last life was in the mountains of Tennessee, another life as a soldier in the French Revolution, and a past life as a Mayan healer about 2000 years ago.  I went to a past life reader to prepare me for a regression.  Over the past 20 years one of the things I’ve learned through the regressions is developing a sense of people’s vibrations from their photo that reveal their past lives to me.